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HomeExpert Advice7 Most Effective Lawn Mowing Tips That You should Know

7 Most Effective Lawn Mowing Tips That You should Know

The beauty of your lawn depends on how perfectly you give it a cut. It is not enough to water it properly and provide food sufficiently; it will turn into a wild place if you don’t cut the grass regularly. And using a mower is the best way to cut the grass. And today, we will talk about the most effective lawn mowing tips.

Many lawn owners cannot simply mow the lawn properly. And even if they manage to mow, the aftermath is not satisfying. And so, they are looking for some easy lawn mowing tips that will help them have a beautiful lawn.

However, mowing a lawn is not very easy unless you have an automatic mower. Still, some easy tricks will help you handle your mower and use it efficiently. And that’s what we are planning to talk about. Are you interested? If yes, just continue. I promise you will learn something that you wish you would know before.

Most Effectual Lawn Mowing Tips

Mowing is the key fact of maintaining your lawn. You can never give a beautiful cut by hand without a mower. Many of you think that mowing is a very difficult task. But the thing is, you can make it easier if you know how to mow the lawn properly. Besides, it is essential to follow some simple lawn mowing tips. Just follow the below points to learn about them.

1. Take Care of Your Mower Regularly

taking care of the mower, Lawn mowing tipsYou must know that a mower is not cheap like a spade. And I am sure you have to pay a lot to buy one. So, when you buy one, you must wish to use it for years. And for that, you have to take proper care of your mower.

You should take it to the service center before every growing season. You have to ensure that it is working ideally and there is no junk inside. Besides, you have to sharpen the blade frequently. If the blade is not sharp, it will kill grasses when you use it.

When you take the mower from the service, you have to check twice if the mower is working correctly. At home, you should clean it regularly. After using it every time, you should take a wet cloth and wipe it to clean the surface. It will never give your lawn a better service unless you take care of your mower.

2. Sharp the Lawn Mower Blades Frequently

Sharp the Lawn Mower BladesFor getting a professional finish and a prosperous lawn, blade choosing is a significant issue to talk about. Always remember that a sharper blade can give the lawn a cleaner cut. When the lawn gets a clean and sharp cut, it will help turf grasses to be protected from various diseases like fungal infections, bacterial pests, and other devastation.

A dull mower will give you the conclusions like a wearisome scissor. When it is used for any haircut, it will cut them off not like the way you want. Just like that, a blade that isn’t sharp cannot cut the grass properly.

The lawn grass is not anything without lives. A tiresome utensil rip, shred and even pull the grasses from the root. And it can cause shock, and the grass can die. So, you should be protective and sincere about them.

As well, you should give them a proper cut with a mower that is at least sharpening three times a year or change your mower with a brand new one. The sober you are on the turf, the better outcome you will get back.

3. Try to Buy an Automower

Try to Buy an AutomowerAutomower is the perfect equipment for getting a carpet-like lawn. When you use an automatic mower, you don’t have to be worried about the length of the grass you want to keep. You don’t need to be worried about the season, whether it is summer or rainy weather.

An automower can cut the lawn grass with an even surface. Using this, you can change the length of the grass as well. Also, this auto mower knows what to cut and what to leave. In an automower, there are tons of settings that you can customize.

However, an automower formulates an automated schedule. It usually cuts the young and green tips of grass when they are in a stage of supple and smooth. There is a massive advantage to using an auto mower; most importantly, it will be guaranteed to provide a professional finishing to your lawn.

4. Don’t Cut Dump Grass

Usually, it will not be a problem for the health of the grasses on your lawn to cut dump grasses. Sometimes you will notice some ruts left behind in the mower’s wheels. Wet grass mowing is annoying because grass clipping gets stuck to the cutting deck. So, you can consider it as a suggestion to take care of the mower instead of the lawn mower tips.

For cutting wet grass, there is a solution. You can use the Husqvarna automower. It is a special type of mower for your lawn that won’t give any track marks on your lawn. It gives a perfect grass cut through the wet grasses. It indeed allows your lawn to be perfect in every weather.

5. Change Direction Frequently

Change Direction Frequently, lawn mowing tipsMowing lawn grass is a habitual routine for getting a perfect lawn. It will help your lawn to be healthy and glowy. But you should follow some tricks while mowing for the best result. And changing the directions while mowing lets you cut the grass evenly.

For professional finishing, switching directions is essential. If mowing is done in the same direction, the grass blades accumulate in angles. This will hamper the beautiful look of your lawn. It also causes uneven surfaces anyway.

A lawn mower may develop a continual track mark if you mow from the same direction. So when you mow your lawn, do it back to front or side to side. Sometimes, go back and change the directions slightly. It will help the grass grow up perfectly.

6. Double Cut the Grass Often

double cut the grassSometimes you might be busy doing other stuff and don’t have the time to take the proper care of your lawn grass. In the meanwhile, the grasses could be so long. Don’t rush to cut the grass at once. It’s because a stressed lawn will provide you with an unhealthy look which you must not prefer. And long cuts can make the lawn stressed.

So, in this case, you have to be a little bit tricky. You should simply take time and handle it smoothly. You can also cut the half-length of the grass you desire to reduce first. And wait for a while. You can indeed wait for one or two days.

During this time, the grasses will be relieved, and it is essential for them to get rid of stress. However, you can simply give it a second cut after the rest. During this time, you should cut the remembering the approximate length you want to leave. You can give the grasses a third cut, too, if it looks necessary.

7. Keep the Grass Shorter in Winter

keep the grass shorter, lawn mowing tipsIn winter, your lawn often has a layer of snow all over it. It hinders sunlight from coming to the ground. In this case, if the grasses are longer, it will be even more difficult. That’s why you should keep the grass shorter when it is winter.

According to your lawns category, you can set the cutting line to approximately 2 inches. It will give you numerous windfalls throughout the year. You should ensure that the sunlight can get into the roots and the air is not stuck to reach the surface level of the grass. Thus, you can keep the grass healthy and protect them from different infections.

Air circulation is a must-have for any type of grass. As winter gives extra humidity to the lawn, it can create a sticky surface. This is good for a beautiful lawn. So, you should cut the grass in a shorter length to get an eye-soothing lawn.

These are the most effective lawn mowing tips that you should follow. Make sure to follow as many as you can. Besides, remember not to cut the grass when it is wet and if you are planning to buy a new mower, just try an automatic mower. It will reduce your effort and time.


Q: What is the one-third rule in mowing?

A: The one-third rule in mowing indicates cutting only one-third of the length of the grass leaves. In this case, it is preferable to cut the grass when it is about 4.5 inches long. And the mower blade will be set in 3 inches. So, the blade will cut only 1.5 inches of the grass leaves.

Q: What time of day is best to mow?

A: You should cut the grass when it is dry. For that, you should start in the middle of the morning. You can also cut it in the afternoon.

Q: How often should the lawn be mowed?

A: You should mow the lawn once every week if it is the growing season. Otherwise, you should mow the lawn once every two weeks or when the grass becomes longer.

Q: Can you cut wet grass?

A: Yes, you can cut the grass when it is wet. Initially, it is not dangerous for the lawn. But it is not good for the mower blade. Also, wet grass can make a mess when you give it a cut, and you have to work harder to clean them.

Q: Are 4 inches too tall for grass?

A: No, 4 inches in not too long for the grass. Eventually, for healthy grasses, 3.5 to 4 is the appropriate length.

Final Thought

Just managed to follow the above lawn mowing tips for a few months. I am sure that you will get an amazing outcome. Besides, you should take care of your mower properly and take it to the servicing center before every growing season. Remember that a mower costs a lot of money. And so, you have to keep it active and use it for years.

Especially in winter, you have to take care of the mower precisely. If the blade gets junks and rusts, it will be difficult to make it sharpen. Howver, do you have any other questions about the mentioned lawn mowing tips? If you have any, just write them down in the comment section.

Also, you can share your opinion and any other question about the lawn in the comment section. And if you have any better ideas about mowing, just share them with us. Thank you in advance for supporting us.

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